Default PSA Reports

If the PSA Reporting Expansion Pack is installed in your organization, these default reports are available in the PSA Reports (Installed Package: PSA Reporting Expansion Pack) folder:

Reports associated with PSA Summer '13

Report Report Category Description
Active External Resources by Region/Practice/Group v1 Resource All active external resources grouped by account then region/practice/group. For information about resource fields, see Resource Fields.
Active Internal Resources by Region/Practice/Group v1 Resource All active internal resources by region/practice/group. For information about resource fields, see Resource Fields.
Active Resource List by Acct & Region/Pract/Group v1 Resource All active resources by account then region/practice/group. For information about resource fields, see Resource Fields.
All Missing Timecards (Last Week) v1 Missing Timecard Missing timecards for last week. This report contains all resources that are on the missing timecard report for last week even if they submitted their timecard late.
Note: Note
This report shows information that was generated the last time missing timecards were calculated. For information about calculating missing timecards, see Calculating Missing Timecards.
All Missing Timecards (Quarter) v1 Missing Timecard Missing timecards for this quarter. This report contains all resources that are on the missing timecard report for the quarter even if they submitted their timecard late.
Note: Note
This report shows information that was generated the last time missing timecards were calculated. For information about calculating missing timecards, see Calculating Missing Timecards.
All Missing Timecards (Year) v1 Missing Timecard Missing timecards for this year. This report contains all resources that are on the missing timecard report for the year even if they submitted their timecard late.
Note: Note
This report shows information that was generated the last time missing timecards were calculated. For information about calculating missing timecards, see Calculating Missing Timecards.
Backlog Detail Reg/Pract/Group, Proj & Month/Qtr/Year v1 Backlog Unscheduled backlog for each region/practice/group including a breakdown that shows the account, project name, project manager, scheduled milestone, time and unscheduled backlog. For further information, see Backlog Calculation Detail Fields.
Est Vs Actuals This Quarter by Proj v1 Estimates versus Actuals Estimated and actual hours for each month in this quarter by project and resource. See Estimates Versus Actuals Fields.
Est Vs Actuals This Quarter by Reg v1 Estimates versus Actuals Estimated and actual hours for each month in this quarter by region and resource. See Estimates Versus Actuals Fields.
Est Vs Actuals This Quarter by Pract v1 Estimates versus Actuals Estimated and actual hours for each month in this quarter by region and practice. See Estimates Versus Actuals Fields.
Est Vs Actuals This Quarter by Group v1 Estimates versus Actuals Estimated and actual hours for each month in this quarter by group and resource. See Estimates Versus Actuals Fields.
Est Vs Actuals This Quarter by Res v1 Estimates versus Actuals Estimated and actual hours for each month in this quarter by project and resource. See Estimates Versus Actuals Fields.
Project Actuals by Month v1 Project Actuals Project actuals by month grouped by the time period and the project actuals currency. For information about project actuals fields, see Actuals
Project Actuals by Region by Month v1 Project Actuals Project actuals by region and month grouped by the time period and the project actuals currency. For information about project actuals fields, see Actuals
Project Actuals by Quarter v1 Project Actuals Project actuals by quarter grouped by the time period and the project actuals currency. For information about project actuals fields, see Actuals
Project Actuals by Week v1 Project Actuals Project actuals by week grouped by the time period and the project actuals currency. For information about project actuals fields, see Actuals
Project Actuals by Year v1 Project Actuals Project actuals by year grouped by the time period and the project actuals currency. For information about project actuals fields, see Actuals
Projected Timecard Billings v1 Billing Projected timecard billings and actual billings by region and by month based on assignments.
Remaining Capacity: Reg/Pract/Group & Resource v1 Capacity Remaining capacity for each resource by region/practice/group in each month. The total capacity for each resource and each month is also shown.
Remaining Capacity: Reg & Res (Qtr)/(Wk) v1 Capacity Remaining capacity of the resources in each region for the selected time period.
Remaining Capacity: Region/Pract/Group & Role v1 Capacity Remaining capacity for each role in each month by region/practice/group in the chosen date range. The total capacity for each role and each month is also shown.
Remaining Capacity: by Role by Month/QTR/Week v1 Capacity Remaining Capacity for each role in each month/quarter/week in the chosen date range.
Requested Hours by Role and Month v1 Capacity Total number of hours requested per month by role.
TC Split: Approved, not Billed Region/Prac/Group v1 Timecard Split Report containing timecard splits that have been approved but not billed. For information about timecard split fields, see Timecard Split Fields.
TC Split: Region/Prac/Group, Project & Resource v1 Timecard Split Report containing timecard splits for the current and previous financial quarter, grouped by project region/practice/group, project and resource. The report also contains billing event and invoice information when available. For information about timecard split fields, see Timecard Split Fields.
TC Split: Submitted not Approved Reg/Prac/Grp v1 Timecard Split Report containing timecard splits that have been submitted but not billed or approved. For information about timecard split fields, see Timecard Split Fields.
TC: Approved Not Billed Region/Prac/Group v1 Timecard Report containing billable timecards that have been approved but not yet billed, grouped by timecard end date and region/practice/group. A bar chart shows the sum of total hours worked for each timecard end date, by project region/practice/group. For information about timecard fields, see Timecard Fields.
TC: Project & Region/Practice/Group v1 Timecard Report containing all timecards, grouped by timecard end date, project region/practice/group and project. This includes timecards within the selected range. A bar chart shows the sum of total hours worked for each timecard end date, by project region/practice/group. For information about timecard fields, see Timecard Fields.
TC: Submitted, not Approved Region/Practice/Group v1 Timecard Report containing all timecards that are submitted but not approved grouped by timecard end date and region/practice/group. A bar chart shows the sum of total hours worked for each timecard end date, by project region/practice/group. For information about timecard fields, see Timecard Fields..
Util by Region/Practice/Group by Qtr/Month - Matrix v1 Utilization Utilization for the quarter/month grouped by region/practice/group.
Utilization by Region/Practice/Group (Month)/(Quarter) v1 Utilization Utilization grouped by region/practice/group and by quarter/month using the Utilization Detail object.

Reports associated with PSA Version 13X

Report Report Category Description
Assignment & Task Time (Proj & Res) v1 Project Task Analysis Assignment and task time by project and resource.
Bottom-up Planning: Tasks with ASNs v1 Project Task Analysis Tasks with Assignments by project, assignment, or task.
Bottom-up Planning: Tasks with RRs v1 Project Task Analysis Tasks with resource requests by project, resource requests, or task.
Currency Exchange Rates by Currency v1 Currency All PSA core currency exchange rates grouped by currency code.
Currency Exchange Rates by Date v1 Currency All PSA core currency exchange rates grouped by effective date.
Expense Limit Rates by Region/Type v1 Expense Limits/Rates Expense Limit Rates grouped by Region then by Type
Expense Limit Rates by Role/Type v1 Expense Limits/Rates Expense Limit Rates by Role then by Type
Expense Limit Rates by Type v1 Expense Limits/Rates Expense Limit Rates by Type
Expense Limit Rates by Type/Role v1 Expense Limits/Rates Expense Limit Rates by Type then by Role
Permission Controls by Group v1 Permission Controls Permission Control settings, by group.
Permission Controls by Practice v1 Permission Controls Permission Control settings, by practice.
Permission Controls by Project v1 Permission Controls Permission Controls settings, by project.
Permission Controls by Region v1 Permission Controls Permission Controls settings, by region.
Permission Controls by Resource v1 Permission Controls Permission Controls settings, by resource.
Permission Controls by User v1 Permission Controls Permission Controls settings, by user.
Project Completion by Task and Milestone v1 Project Analysis Project completion by task and milestone.
Projects with tasks and task time v1 Project Analysis Projects with tasks and task time.
PSA Configurations by Config Group v1 Configuration PSA configurations by config group.
PSA Configurations by Date v1 Configuration PSA configurations by date.
PSA Configurations by Release v1 Configuration PSA configurations by release.
PSA Proj completion by Milestone v1 Project Analysis PSA project completion by milestone.
PSA Proj completion v1 Project Analysis PSA project completion.
PSA Projects with Rate Card Sets v1 Rate Cards PSA projects with rate card sets.
PSA Rate Cards by Rate Card Set v1 Rate Cards PSA rate cards by rate card set.
PSA Rate Cards by Role v1 Rate Cards PSA rate cards by role.
Remain Month Summary Capacity by Role v1 Capacity Remaining monthly capacity broken out by role
Remaining Capacity: Reg/Pract/Group & Resource v2 Capacity Remaining capacity for each resource by region/practice/group in each month. The total capacity for each resource and each month and held hours are also shown.
Remaining Capacity: Reg & Res (Qtr)/(Wk) v2 Capacity Remaining capacityof the resources in each region for the selected time period. Held hours are also shown.
Remaining Capacity: Reg/Pract/Group & Role v2 Capacity Remaining capacity for each role in each month by practice/group in the chosen date range. The total capacity for each role and each month and held hours are also shown.
Remaining Capacity: by Role by QTR v2 Capacity Remaining Capacity for each role in each quarter in the chosen date range.
Remain Qtr Summary Capacity by Role v1 Capacity Remaining quarterly summary capacity broken out by role
Remain Wk Summary Capacity by Role v1 Capacity Remaining weekly summary capacity broken out by role
Utilization by Region/Practice/Group (Month)/(Quarter) v2 Utilization Utilization grouped by region/practice/group and by quarter/month using the Utilization Detail object. Includes formula-only fields on the far right to properly summarize Utilization and Utilization Attainment summaries. Includes UTE Detail Id. Date range is based on historical (not scheduled) end date. Consistently adds the Is Report Master filter.


PSA Dashboard Reports

The PSA dashboard reports in the PSA Dashboard Reports (Installed Package: PSA Reporting Expansion Pack) folder are used to generate the information in the dashboards included in the PSA Dashboards (Installed Package: PSA Reporting Expansion Pack) folder. These reports are not intended to be run in isolation.

For information about the default PSA dashboards, See Default PSA Dashboards.

Related Concepts

PSA Reporting Expansion Pack

Related Tasks

Editing a Default Report or Dashboard

Setting up PSA Reports

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